Healthy Veggies For Pups
Whether they help dogs with their eyesight, hydrate them, or provide them with all kinds of vitamins and minerals, vegetables are a great addition to any dog's diet.
Which vegetables are the best for dogs?
While there is no specific answer, we will talk about a few veggies that really stand out from the crowd.
1. Carrots
Carrots are a great low-calorie snack that can be given to dogs both coocked or raw.
They are full of beta-carotene which produces vitamin A keeping your dog's eyes healthy, their vision sharp, and maintains their immunity.
Carrots are also high in fibers that will help regulate your dog's bowl movement.
2. Cucumbers
Cucumbers are a great treat or snack for any dog. They contain almost no salt or sugars making them an extremely low calorie food.
Cucumbers contain about 98% water. This is sure to rehydrate your dog on those long summer days.
They are rich in vitamin K and B, as well as potassium and copper.
Finally, cucumbers are great at battling mouth bacteria that cause bad breath.
3. Cabbage
Cabbage is a champion at battling cancer and aiding skin. It is rich in vitamin C and K, antioxidants, and fibers.
Low caloric value makes it a great food for overweight dogs, but due to high levels of fibre it may cause gas for some dogs.
4. Green beans
Like many veggies before, green beans are a great high-fiber low-calorie snack that dogs enjoy.
Green beans contain many vitamins and minerals. Some of them are vitamin A. B6, C, K.
They contain a high amount of iron and calcium that is great at keeping your dog's bones healthy and strong.
5. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are high in fibers, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
Sweet potatoes are great for dogs, but should always be cooked. Removing the skin is advised as it makes it easier for dogs to digest and reduces the risk of constipation.
They might cause a sudden rise in blood sugar levels so dogs with diabetes should not eat sweet potatoes often.
6. Corn

Corn is a great source of antioxidants, fibers, proteins, and vitamins.
Make sure to cook the corn properly before giving it to your dog, and never let them eat the cob, only the kernel.
The cob can cause dehydration, diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, etc...
7. Beets
Beets are incredibly healthy and beneficial for dogs.
Apart from providing them with many nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium and fiber, beets are known for giving dogs a healthy and shiny coat.
They improve your dog's digestion and immune system and even make the skin healthier.

If you decide to cook the veggies, don't season them. Seasoning may be harmful to dogs. Always give veggies in moderation, and consult your vet if you fear your dog might get an allergic reaction.
Veggies should not make up more than 10% of your dog's daily food intake.
Thank you for reading. Hopefully you found this article interesting and helpful. Until next time!
Stay pawsome! 🐶